Posted in commitment, faith, God, Jesus, life, my thoughts


The word that strikes fear in many a person’s heart.  It seems such an uncomplicated word, yet it holds a huge amount of responsibility. 

There are so many things we must commit to in our lives.  From the mundane everyday things to the big commitments that come our way.  We have to commit to the decisions we make; to our jobs; to the people in our lives.  It’s a crazy thing, commitment.

These thoughts circle my mind as I think of my faith journey.  Early this season of Lent, I made a decision to commit my thoughts and time to God and hence give up something that was taking me away from Him.  However, I now realise that I don’t need to do that so restrictively to keep my focus on Him. 

I think I am safe, with God’s approval, to relax a little.  God knows that my heart will ever be for Him. 

My commitment to God is a lifelong decision I’ve made.  It may ebb and flow with the tides of life, but, nothing else really matters.  I love, Jesus, God, more than any other and He will always be First for me. 

My appreciation and commitment as a fan of my favourite band is something that helps me enjoy moments in my life.  And, really, in the long run, all music comes from God.

(Except maybe death metal….)