Posted in Blogging, blogging the important stuff, childcare, Christmas, December thoughts, early learning thoughts, home is where the heart is, work

It’s December|First Year Done|Home is Where the Heart Is

Some could say that the first year at a new job is always going to be stressful.  Now add on the fact that my centre was brand new at the beginning of this year.  It officially opened in January and had a dedication service in February.

And, now, we’re at the end of the first year, tracking on well to reaching capacity and running smoothly with all the staff that we need.

I don’t see my colleagues as just ‘other staff’ though.  They’re like family.  Distant family, yes…but family nonetheless.  It’s like what Tim Healy said at our Christmas service on the weekend: We can have more than one home, because home is where the heart is.  And my heart and soul and mind are set firmly at my centre.

Do you feel that way at your centre?

The families that call our centre theirs, the team, the support from the Church team…it’s been an amazing year.  Yes, I’ve been sick countless times and had to have time off…but that’s the hazard of working in my profession.  Children are germ magnets…and maybe I am too.

There have been some amazing moments too.  The little things.  Children learning my name, or reaching for me, or just wanting me to join in their play.  Children learning, developing, growing.  The first steps…the first words… the smiles, the tears, the giggling.  The spilled milk…the crying over spilled milk…all of it.

But I think for me, the defining moment was when my Director said to me, after I’d gone away for a holiday and come back, “You’re not going anywhere, we’re keeping you.”

To feel like a valued member of the team, of the family? That means more than anything.  Especially after the way I felt at my previous centre.

Home.  Home is definitely where the heart is.

So, this Christmas season, I can only give thanks to God.  Thanks that 2015 turned out the way it did.

And here’s to a just as amazing 2016.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.