Posted in Blogging, Church, July, my thoughts, Pokemon, praise and worship, word a day

July Blogging Challenge – Word a Day

Day 25 – Gather

Gather, to gather… It’s a grouping word.  Right?  I think it’s important to get likeminded people together at times so they can bounce off each other.  So, that they can talk and be themselves.  That’s how I work at least.  When I’m amongst people I am comfortable with I come out of my little introvert shell and you cannot shut me up.  However, put me in a room filled with people that I have no connection to?  I become reserved and quiet.  
The term “gathering” invokes in me an image of a large group of people, though it can mean small groups too.  I prefer the smaller type, though as I feel safer in small groups.  However, by the same token, a large group is easier to hide in.   I like to observe others in larger crowds; people-watching can be fun.  The different personalities in a room can liven the atmosphere.  
I’m not really sure what I’m trying to get at in this post, just writing what springs to mind, I guess.
Gather can also mean to draw together, I guess that’s why they call it gathering flowers, hey?  But yes, back to the groups of people, particular events can be the reason people are drawn together.  
Parties, concerts, other life events.  All my family and friends gathered for my wedding; friends gathered at my bestie’s for her housewarming.  Events such as these mark special moments in life.  And then there are spontaneous gatherings such as those that form when people are playing Pokemon Go around Perth… Someone found a Pikachu! 

Speaking of Pokemon Go…I haven’t downloaded it and I want either…I have this game to play instead…
Yes, that’s Pokemon White, Version 2.  Who needs Pokemon Go when you have a 3DS?  I’m “old school”.  Haha.  Whatever that means.  I am 30…. Three months until I turn 31.  Scary.  And I still play Pokemon.  Go figure.  Still, not surprising.  The majority of Pokemon Go players are in the 20s to 30s anyway…so I’m in good company.  Haha.  So, gather away.  
One of the best gatherings though is that of the Church.  I went to church yesterday, on my lonesome. Hubby was sleeping.  The message was on point (Life may hurt, but God will use it to bring about His purposes in our lives) and worship…wow.  It was what I needed to remind me of God’s providence and that He is central to everything in my life.  Some beautiful songs of praise and worship are coming out of the Riverview Worship Team.  Your Love and Deeper are so uplifting and covered by God’s grace.  Awesome.
I leave you with these lyrics from Deeper 

‘Your love is taking me deeper,
Your love is pulling me closer…’
‘Deeper’ by Riverview Worship.
Hear more here: