Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, Simple Plan, Writing

“Sleepy Perth.” (Bed Hair – Thirteen)

Late the next morning and I was sitting in the hotel restaurant with Bianca and David, Chuck and Pierre, resting after gorging ourselves on the breakfast buffet. Yes, I did say Pierre was there. Come on, it’s not like I could avoid him, right? Though after the previous night it would’ve been some relief, but Bianca had insisted I come and eat breakfast with her. I still hadn’t managed to talk to Pat about any of this, either. For some reason he wasn’t up early today…or perhaps that was by design.
Continue reading ““Sleepy Perth.” (Bed Hair – Thirteen)”

Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, Pierre Bouvier, Simple Plan

“Why does it matter?” (Bed Hair – Twelve)

Pierre stood in the elevator, heading up to his room. Chuck and Patrick were with him. The three men weren’t looking at each other; Chuck was on his phone, checking the schedule for the next day; Patrick was leaning against the wall. But, it didn’t take long for someone to decide something needed to be said about the disaster which was the crew and band dinner.
Continue reading ““Why does it matter?” (Bed Hair – Twelve)”

Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, my writing, Simple Plan, Writing

“We should be.” (Bed Hair – Eleven)

Dear Diary,

Pierre is really, really good at fooling the public that he’s happy. That everything is fine in his life and he’s content and enjoying the moments with the band. But, tonight…everyone, and I mean everyone, got to see the real face of Pierre Charles Bouvier.

Continue reading ““We should be.” (Bed Hair – Eleven)”

Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, my writing, Simple Plan, Writing

“Three sizes too big.” (Bed Hair – Ten)

Dear Diary,

School holidays. Something safe to write about. As a relief teacher holidays are my time to refresh myself. To take a breather. I guess it helps me to recalibrate. These holidays are going to be quite a bit different and will encroach into term time, so, I won’t be available to relieve any classes. I’m still not sure how I feel about it all. It seems so sudden… Simple Plan, here, in Perth. Fools Rush In, supporting them on their national tour. I still can’t get my head around it.

Pierre. I don’t have words.

The others, it’s great to see them…

What am I going to tell Bianca and Mark and the rest of the guys? How do you tell them about a past that is hard for me to even think about?

~~~~~~~~~~ Continue reading ““Three sizes too big.” (Bed Hair – Ten)”

Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, my writing, Simple Plan, Writing

“Sounds like a plan.” (Bed Hair – Six)

Perth, WA

Dear Diary,

Or dairy maybe? I’m eating Easter eggs, because, hey it’s that time of the year. Anyway, this week is going so darn slow. But, I’m perfectly fine with that. Because, guess what’s happening this weekend. Well, technically next week? I don’t have any relief work and Mark practically twisted my arm to join them as part of their Merch crew. Which would be fine…but the band they’re supporting. Big sighs, right?   
Continue reading ““Sounds like a plan.” (Bed Hair – Six)”

Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, my writing, Simple Plan, Writing

“I’m Sad.” (Bed Hair – Five)

Los Angeles, CA

Pierre sat with Chuck’s itinerary in his hands. He dragged his fingers through his hair as he tried to sort through the emotions that were fighting for his attention. The whole thing was getting worse as his friend handed him the information for the tour. The only good thing, really, was the support band. Fools Rush In had a refreshing sound; he had several of their tracks on his iPod on repeat of late.
Continue reading ““I’m Sad.” (Bed Hair – Five)”

Posted in fan fiction, fanfiction, fiction, my writing, Simple Plan, Writing

“No Fear.” (Bed Hair – Four)


It was too early on a Saturday morning for me to even exist. But, Mark practically begged me to come with the band to NOVA. They were going to be doing an interview on the breakfast show. I didn’t really know why he wanted me there with them. Bianca said something about having extra support; I asked her ‘why me?’ She just looked at me as if she thought I should know the answer to that apparently stupid question.

My excuse was that I was still half asleep, and considering how late I stayed up the previous night, you could hardly blame me for acting naive about Mark’s request. My brain was always mush if I hadn’t had enough sleep. Especially on a weekend. Which was a little odd since I was usually fine about getting up on Sunday mornings.  Continue reading ““No Fear.” (Bed Hair – Four)”