Posted in Blogging, climb, day 27, July, my thoughts, word a day

July Blogging Challenge – Word a Day

Day 27 – Climb

Today I’m going to write around the word ‘climb’.  Actually, I’m sitting in the staff room at work, and what comes to mind is the low surfaces in all the rooms here.  Especially in the babies’ room.  The children in my room are at the age where they want to just climb on everything.  The amount of times I and my colleagues have had to say “feet on the floor” seems excessive.  But, they are just exploring their world.  
Climbing is a natural inclination for many of us.  We want to see the world from a different vantage point, or we want to rise to the next level of our lives.  So, climbing can be physical or metaphorical.  We speak of the corporate ladder, so going from worker grunt to CEO.  Or we speak of climbing the mountains of our lives.  Reaching the pinnacle.  Many mountains are more like mole hills, however we want to traverse all sorts.  
For me, climbing isn’t really the focus of my life.  I like to be grounded and not have my head in the clouds so much.  I think my life generally travels along a flat plane with valleys and hills along the way.  And all that way I walk with God.  
Interesting that of late my blogging and journaling keeps returning to my faith in God.  Well, a lot of the time.  
If I want to face a challenge I always place it at the Cross first.  I need that strength and peace that only God can give me to get through life.  Challenges will come and they will stretch and grow me.  However, I do not need to fear for my God will go before me.  I think of Moses who climbed Mt Sinai and received the Ten Commandments from God.  A worthwhile trek to make.  I thank God for His Commandments and for His love.  Because of Him, no mountain is ever too high to climb.