Posted in Blogging, early learning thoughts, work, working with children

The Quiet Days at Work

Savour the “Quiet Days”.  This is one of the biggest lessons I have learnt in early learning.  These days or even moments can often be few and far between, but they are as precious as the “Crazy Days”.

I used to get bored on the QDs, but after 11 years in the profession, I’ve reached a point where I can utilise them to benefit both myself, my team and the children that I educate and care for.  I haven’t quite perfected this, and I don’t think I ever will.  I do still get bored, sometimes.  It’s a work in progress.


NB: A Quiet Day doesn’t necessarily mean that there are low numbers of children; this is sometimes the case, though.

Here are the top 5 things I’ve found are beneficial to do on a Quiet Day:

  1. More one-on-one interaction with the children (on low number days)
  2. Getting to sit back and watch the children engage in their own play experiences without interruption; after all even on the days that seem quiet, quality learning is always happening.
  3. Quality team interactions
  4. Catching up with documentation and planning
  5. Cleaning jobs that don’t get done otherwise
There are evidently a lot more that can be done on a quiet day than what I’ve listed; however, those were what came to the top of my list.


I cherish the Quiet Days as they are the ones that often garner the most memorable moments for me personally.  Cuddles from the babies and toddlers; random conversations about Frozen or food with the older children; moments where I get to know my colleagues better; they are all worth the quieter moments.

What do your Quiet Days look like?

Posted in 2016, Blogging, half way point, June, life, life update, my thoughts, politics, relationships, work

29th June 2016 – Half way point.

Half year thoughts 
Today is the second last day of June of 2016.  Hard to believe that we’ve reached the middle of the year.  Well, almost hard to believe.  I look back over this first half of the year and marvel at what has happened.  I’ve grown as a person, that’s for sure.  I’m a different person than I was at the beginning of the year; but in many ways, still the same.  If that makes any sense at all.  
Mark and I have been married for nine months.  That’s as long as full term pregnancy.  Don’t get me started on being pregnant, though.  
I’m not pregnant.  Just to clarify that point.
Anyway, we’ve been in our little place in Tuart Hill for six months, now and it definitely feels like home.  I could hazard to say though that anywhere with my husband is home.  Profound?  I tend to become pensive when I’m home sick from work.  
Yes, I’ve had two days off because of my stupid cough that’s just exhausted me.  So, I now have a two day working week?  And the serious consideration of perhaps going back to a five day working week…with shorter hours?  As in full time, 7.5 hour shifts.  Technically 8 hours with a half hour lunch break.  My health seems to have taken a step back since picking up the ten hour shifts.  Makes a whole lot of sense.  Though I do enjoy the extra day off.  However, if the payoff is that I get sick more…it might not be worth it.  Will have to see.
Anyway, half way through the year, and where are we at?  Let’s see.  Maybe a list to start the thoughts flowing.  30 things that have gotten me to the middle of the year.
1. We’ve been married 9 months.
2. We’ve been in Tuart Hill for six months
3. Our Connect Group is planned to begin in July, after many setbacks – being sick, too busy, etc.
4. Hubby is starting up his own DJ business. So excited for him.  Supplement to our income.  A hobby job.  He’s doing a wedding next month.
5. We’ve started trying.  You know exactly what I mean…
6. Work has gotten busier with more babies in my room – though half of them were sick all week last week.  Perhaps why I got sick?
7. Hubby’s work may have more opportunities for him, beginning with an extra two hours per shift.  Makes a whole lot of sense.  I just don’t like change.  But, by the same token it will work for us.  
8. I helped my best friend move out of home. – twice – her house warming is at the end of July.
9. Music is a huge part of what’s happening in my life.  New worship music especially.  And Good Charlotte.  Always GC.  
10. You thought I was going to put Simple Plan.  But that doesn’t even need to be said.  Team SP all the way.  Taking One For The Team.
11. Spending time with our Breakaway crew.  Bowling, Pool, Just Dance party, food, fellowship.
12. Movie dates. 
13. Hanging out with my husband’s best friend and God-daughter.  
14. Spending time with family.
15. Celebrating birthdays.  Three in one in June….
16. My dad was awarded an AM for his contribution to Chiropractic work in Australia.
17. My brother started his first real job.  So proud of him.
18. Our centre has been open 18 months and we went really well in our Assessment and Rating – Meeting overall, exceeding in some of those areas.  
19. Being sick only in Autumn/Winter – score.  Though it sucks because I can’t seem to shake it.
20. I really need to work on being clean at home….Haha.  I have no problem with being a clean freak at work, though.
21. I have the best co-workers in the world.  They’re my team.  My third family.   Family is where your heart is.  So, that makes sense.  One member of that family even invited us to her Church family.  The Rocks.  An amazing heart for God and His people in that place.
22. I’m cluckier than I’ve ever been.  
23. My Nan is on Facebook now.
24. My parents have been married 35 years!  Pretty darn amazing.
25. Mark and I watch Q and A on ABC.  It’s led to some heated discussions.  Also some well thought out debates.  I love that I can have conversations that matter with my husband.  Also silly convos too 😉
26. I discovered a great devotional tool/app called She Reads Truth.  I’ve always wanted to read the Bible more and learn and grow from it, but I’ve always found it difficult to commit.  But, because I can engage with it through social media and on my phone, it’s perfect for me. And I can engage others through social media as well.  Just my thing.
27. My writing has dwindled…and I’ve been focussing more on my blogging and journal, but that’s alright by me, especially as every now and again inspiration does strike for my stories.
28. During this election campaign period (for Australia and the U.S.) I’ve learned a lot about where I stand on social justice issues.  Especially as a faithfully committed follower of Christ.  
29. I’ve sung Row, Row, Row, Your Boat more times than I can ever hope to count.
30. Mark and I drove by Riverview’s home building in Burswood…and I can say we are just that much closer to moving home.  But, Church is where the people are.  So, come to Curtin and worship God with us.
I don’t suppose I really need to elaborate on any of those points as they may speak for themselves.  Though I do want to say something about the ‘trying’ point.
I want children.  It’s a need that I have deep inside me.  To be a mother.  To nurture someone into being a person who will make a difference.  It’s difficult for me at the moment, knowing that health and other issues stand in the way in some small form.  Yes, this is the twenty-first century and there are ways to manage those things.  Ways to get past all that.  But, it doesn’t make it easy.  I think I’m more at peace with it now, though.  After an emotional moment last week.  
To me, the most important thing is that I get to walk this journey of life with my husband by my side.  Me at his.  And even that is something I battle with.  God alone knows how long that walk will be.  But, I promised with all my heart that through sickness and health I would stand by my husband.  No exceptions.  
Serious thoughts…topical points
Election Day on Saturday.  On the second day of the second half of the year I have to make a decision that impacts not just myself, but also my country.  Yes, yes…I know my one measly vote may not make much of a direct impact.  However, I need to consider my stance on what has been thrown up during this campaign. The same-sex marriage plebiscite, the asylum seekers and what the government is planning to do about it.  Early learning educator wages.  And many other things that I may even not have thought of.  
I have read some interesting and thought-provoking views on how to vote as a Christian; the most radical being a shift in thinking.  That is:  We should vote in light of what other people need.  Not necessarily what we want.   If we’re already better off and the vote won’t change much for us either way…then perhaps we should be voting in a way that helps those who are less advantaged.  Now that’s a paradigm shift if I ever saw one.  And it makes a lot of sense.  Hard to change people’s views though, but if anyone should vote that way it’s a committed follower of Christ.
Also, just because a Party might have the word “Christian” in their title, doesn’t automatically mean you should vote for them.  Just a thought.  Vote instead for a party that acts out Christian values.  Not one that is nominal.  
My views on a plebiscite for same-sex marriage are quite simple.  I think that we should have a say in what happens.  My husband believes that it would divisive and damaging.  Mayhap the campaign may come across that way, but I would hope it wouldn’t end up being that way.  Who knows, and I think I may need to write a separate post on my thoughts.  But, that’s where it stands right now.  
Incidentally, I would be voting yes.
Pay rise for early childhood educators?  That needed to happen yesterday.  Enough said.
I am looking forward to the second half of 2016.
Federal Election withstanding.
Posted in Blogging, blogging the important stuff, childcare, Christmas, December thoughts, early learning thoughts, home is where the heart is, work

It’s December|First Year Done|Home is Where the Heart Is

Some could say that the first year at a new job is always going to be stressful.  Now add on the fact that my centre was brand new at the beginning of this year.  It officially opened in January and had a dedication service in February.

And, now, we’re at the end of the first year, tracking on well to reaching capacity and running smoothly with all the staff that we need.

I don’t see my colleagues as just ‘other staff’ though.  They’re like family.  Distant family, yes…but family nonetheless.  It’s like what Tim Healy said at our Christmas service on the weekend: We can have more than one home, because home is where the heart is.  And my heart and soul and mind are set firmly at my centre.

Do you feel that way at your centre?

The families that call our centre theirs, the team, the support from the Church team…it’s been an amazing year.  Yes, I’ve been sick countless times and had to have time off…but that’s the hazard of working in my profession.  Children are germ magnets…and maybe I am too.

There have been some amazing moments too.  The little things.  Children learning my name, or reaching for me, or just wanting me to join in their play.  Children learning, developing, growing.  The first steps…the first words… the smiles, the tears, the giggling.  The spilled milk…the crying over spilled milk…all of it.

But I think for me, the defining moment was when my Director said to me, after I’d gone away for a holiday and come back, “You’re not going anywhere, we’re keeping you.”

To feel like a valued member of the team, of the family? That means more than anything.  Especially after the way I felt at my previous centre.

Home.  Home is definitely where the heart is.

So, this Christmas season, I can only give thanks to God.  Thanks that 2015 turned out the way it did.

And here’s to a just as amazing 2016.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Posted in childcare, life, my thoughts, personal, work

Reflections of Myself

Listening to:  Encounter – Riverview Worship
Mood:  Awake, content, happy

I’ve had this thought:  Taking initiative is difficult for me.  Unless it comes to direct interaction with the children at work.  I’m more of a follower and thrive when being directed by others.

I had a big win the other day.  I was settling a child to sleep, and by reading a book that he chose he eventually just dropped off to sleep.  Sleep time can be difficult; the key is to remain calm and ‘low’ as it helps to settle the children down.  Especially if they are still spending their energy.

I think allowing the children to make choices and to give us cues as to when they are tired and being flexible with rest times works.  Rather than having strict rest times.  Obviously, once we have more children that may need to be altered, but while we have low numbers and the children we have are getting used to the centre it has worked quite well.

I am still super excited about heading to work each day, and I pray that this continues.  I know there will be down days; every job has that.  However, I am excited for the possibilities and helping my centre grow and become everything it can be for the community it aims to serve.

This is my centre and I’m proud of where we are and where we’re heading and absolutely blessed and feel that it is such a privilege to be part of such an important journey.

I still feel I have more to offer and just need to figure out what that is.  I’m not artistically inclined and sometimes it takes time for me to come up with ideas for programming, or abstract thinking.  I feel that comes back to the fact that I have a ‘follow the leader’ approach to life.

Give me a task to do and I’ll set my heart and mind to it.

Being left to my own devices I often flounder and will just stick to the easy route of allowing spontaneity to ensue.

This also leads to me appearing lazy; but, I’m far from it.  I’m usually just off in my own little world, which is always busy.  If I could write everything that was going on in my mind on any given day, I’d probably fill pages and pages…even write a book in a day.

So, just because I may look like I’m sitting around doing nothing, doesn’t mean I’m not actively engaging with the environment I’m in.

I guess children are like that as well.

I’ve learned from experience that a child who is sitting by themselves with nothing at hand doesn’t necessarily need or want attention.  Sometimes they are just processing their environment and will eventually make a decision as to what/how they want to engage.

Of course, there will come a time when some encouragement or prompting is welcomed, but this often depends on duration and other factors.  But, allowing children to make their own choices is important in building independence and teaching them how to navigate their world.

It’s how they learn.  It’s how we all learn.

We never stop learning and growing.

And, reflection is a big part of that.  So, here’s my first one for the year.  🙂

Posted in A7X, Music, Random, work

Been awhile…

Work at STAWA has gotten a little quiet.  Part of me is a little bit over working there.  Don’t get me wrong, I like working at STAWA, I’m just in a personal funk.  I’ve just been feeling blah about a lot of things.  I think it’s partly because I’m not feeling motivated to do anything lately.  Work, writing, hanging out with friends…I just want to crawl into bed and sleep…and I’m not even tired or anything.  I’ve had a few off nights, but I’ve been sleeping well lately, so it’s not that.

I’m loving working at Kids Inn.  Maybe that’s it.  I need to rethink my position in the workforce.  Perhaps I should go fulltime into childcare?  I don’t know.  I really like working where I’m at right now.  The kids are great, even though some of them can be right little so-and-so’s sometimes.  But, I really, really enjoy working there, nonetheless.

Guess what?  I’m going to Soundwave next year.  And guess what else?  Avenged Sevenfold will be there.  Seeing them live will definitely make my life.  I have to say, seeing them live will most likely trump seeing Simple Plan.

The bittersweet thing, though, is that I won’t ever get to see Jimmy ‘The Rev’ play with them.  I’m sure Mike Portnoy will do the drummer justice, but I can’t help but feel gypped that I never got the chance to see A7X as the full band.

It will be an experience, though.  My first major music festival.  I never was ever interested in the Big Day Out, or Southbound or any of those others.  The bands didn’t really excite me.  I would like to see Eskimo Joe and The Living End, though.

I think I’ve used the word ‘though’ a lot in this blog… oh well.  My writing has improved since I first started back in…um…probably 2000 or even before then.  I started writing semi-serious fics back in 1999, even though [there I go again with that word…] it was kind of silly stories about my crush…and talking animals and stuff.  [Stuff is a good scientific term.  And ‘thing’ is as well…]  But, I can tell you I have definitely gotten better, and that’s not boasting.  I can see the improvement.

I have so many ideas floating around in my mind, but none of them I can really pin down.  My latest venture is exciting, though.

It’s called Shadows Creed, and is a fanfic [A7X], but the premise is so different, to me at least, that I reckon I could write it as an original.

The basic gist is this:  Bands are outlawed.  Politicians are using solo artists to garner popularity.  The law is upheld by The Creed.  The Creed is a force responsible for eliminating renegade musicians.  One man decides it’s time for a change.  Time to crush the oppression and bring rock and roll back into the world.  There is one problem.  This one man is The Creed’s most trusted. 

So, there it is.  Of course, the story I’m writing now is based around the guys in Avenged, but I could so easily modify it to use my original characters.  But, I will probably endeavour to work on the idea later on in the year.

I also want to try and write an all Aussie based fic.  But, we’ll see.

Anyways, signing off, g’night all.

Posted in Music, Random, work

Been awhile…

Work at STAWA has gotten a little quiet.  Part of me is a little bit over working there.  Don’t get me wrong, I like working at STAWA, I’m just in a personal funk.  I’ve just been feeling blah about a lot of things.  I think it’s partly because I’m not feeling motivated to do anything lately.  Work, writing, hanging out with friends…I just want to crawl into bed and sleep…and I’m not even tired or anything.  I’ve had a few off nights, but I’ve been sleeping well lately, so it’s not that.

I’m loving working at Kids Inn.  Maybe that’s it.  I need to rethink my position in the workforce.  Perhaps I should go fulltime into childcare?  I don’t know.  I really like working where I’m at right now.  The kids are great, even though some of them can be right little so-and-so’s sometimes.  But, I really, really enjoy working there, nonetheless.

Guess what?  I’m going to Soundwave next year.  And guess what else?  Avenged Sevenfold will be there.  Seeing them live will definitely make my life.  I have to say, seeing them live will most likely trump seeing Simple Plan.

The bittersweet thing, though, is that I won’t ever get to see Jimmy ‘The Rev’ play with them.  I’m sure Mike Portnoy will do the drummer justice, but I can’t help but feel gypped that I never got the chance to see A7X as the full band.

It will be an experience, though.  My first major music festival.  I never was ever interested in the Big Day Out, or Southbound or any of those others.  The bands didn’t really excite me.  I would like to see Eskimo Joe and The Living End, though.

I think I’ve used the word ‘though’ a lot in this blog… oh well.  My writing has improved since I first started back in…um…probably 2000 or even before then.  I started writing semi-serious fics back in 1999, even though [there I go again with that word…] it was kind of silly stories about my crush…and talking animals and stuff.  [Stuff is a good scientific term.  And ‘thing’ is as well…]  But, I can tell you I have definitely gotten better, and that’s not boasting.  I can see the improvement.

I have so many ideas floating around in my mind, but none of them I can really pin down.  My latest venture is exciting, though.

It’s called Shadows Creed, and is a fanfic [A7X], but the premise is so different, to me at least, that I reckon I could write it as an original.

The basic gist is this:  Bands are outlawed.  Politicians are using solo artists to garner popularity.  The law is upheld by The Creed.  The Creed is a force responsible for eliminating renegade musicians.  One man decides it’s time for a change.  Time to crush the oppression and bring rock and roll back into the world.  There is one problem.  This one man is The Creed’s most trusted. 

So, there it is.  Of course, the story I’m writing now is based around the guys in Avenged, but I could so easily modify it to use my original characters.  But, I will probably endeavour to work on the idea later on in the year.

I also want to try and write an all Aussie based fic.  But, we’ll see.

Anyways, signing off, g’night all.